Game Jam 2

Game without conflict

VR Machine: Ocean simuation game, explore different part of the ocean, human wouldn' be able to in real life.
Choose different bodies of water, input coordinates. Real footage used for view of ocean.

Game without external conflict

Web-based game: Dairy entry, conflicts with yourself based off what you write in dairy. Fighting against self.
Write note on tangible paper, scanned into game. Game conducts like a dream, taking inspiration from your day.
You go through the motions, can't control, fear and dreams projected in different ways. Motivates you to solve problems.

Game with real-world application

Mobile device game:Farming game, in which you cultivate land and gain points from collecting crops.
Enter in plant you have in house/apartment or outside. Enter is specific plants you own. Game simulates plant and real time growth.
Game reminds you attend to your plants.

Game without active players

Web-based game:Watch-based game. Viewing landscape of your choice, visual is based on real-world weather conditions.
Enter in current weather and see the visual affect.

Game without win/lose state

#1: Broken-telephone game, start with one saying and have to whisper message down the line of people.
Whatever they think the saying is, they have to perform act.
#2: Nurturing animals

Game where the object is to cheat / cheating is part of the game

Survival based game, cheating to suvive on island. Win by stealing food, killing others.
Can play with friends, form alliances and teams to win. Last person standing wins. Under pressure, 10 minute limit.